MG Horatio Gates Honorary
MG Horatio Gates Honorary

To recognize the distinguished achievements and service of individuals who promote the objectives and purposes of the Adjutant General’s Corps as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
Senior Officers, Senior Warrant Officers, Senior Noncommissioned Officers, and Senior Civilians who normally would “not” be members of the Adjutant General’s Corps, nor affiliated with the Adjutant General’s Corps, when the recommendation is submitted. Also, persons who have provided significant support to the Adjutant General’s Corps are eligible. Personnel may only receive this award one time.
The Major General Horatio Gates Honorary Medal is awarded for distinguished achievement and service to the Adjutant General’s Corps, or Army Human Resources mission for introducing or significantly supporting new HR methods, improved techniques, and innovations to increase the efficiency of the United States Army while promoting high standards of proficiency; providing a forum for the mutual exchange and discussion of ideas and information of interest; promoting esprit-de-corps, cooperation and tradition; promoting leadership and enhancing military preparedness to meet the nation’s defense requirements; making improvements in the fields of personnel, administration, and human resources management, as well as postal operations, casualty operations, public affairs, accessions, recruiting and retention; and for researching, recording and perpetuating an understanding of the history of the Adjutant General’s Corps and the Association.
Horatio Gates was the first Adjutant General of the Army. A gold medal was presented to Major General Horatio Gates by a Congressional resolution to commemorate his victories over the British in the Battles of Bennington, Fort Stanwix, and Saratoga.
These three key battles prevented the British from occupying the strategic Hudson Valley and isolating New England from the other colonies during the Revolutionary War. A replica of the original Gold Medal honors Gates’ service and leadership.
$50.00, borne by the Recommending Authority.
The price includes Medal Set and Shipping. Shipping includes First Class or Priority. You can purchase a Medal Set and Shipping at the following link: MG Horatio Gates Honorary Medal (click Category to the right, then Awards).
Note the following:
- Before purchasing any AGCRA medal set, please “confirm” award approval with the AGCRA VP, Awards by emailing
- Expedited, Express, or Overnight shipping costs are extra – contact for details.
- This award will not be shipped until the AGCRA National Executive Council approves.
Recommending Procedures
Anyone with firsthand knowledge of an individual’s achievement and service, which meets the above criteria, can recommend that individual for this award.
On the AGCRA Award Nomination Form, recommendations will be emailed (preferred method) to the AGCRA NEC VP, Awards at The VP, Awards will verify membership status, check the recommendation against the award criteria, place the recommendation before the NEC for approval, and then process the award certificate and medal. The award recommendation must arrive as soon as possible but no later than 30 days before the requested presentation date.
The memorandum must contain contributions to the Adjutant General’s Corps or the Army Human Resources mission and the desired presentation date. The local “active” AGCRA Chapter President must endorse the recommendation. If there is no local “active” Chapter in your area, the senior Adjutant General’s Corps Officer, or DoD / DA HR Civilian leader, in the chain of command will endorse the recommendation.
Once the award has been voted by the National Executive Council and approved, payment may be made via the awards link using a credit or debit card (preferred method). Exceptions for payment methods are on a case-by-case basis. The AGCRA VP, Awards (, can only process credit or debit card transactions for AGCRA award payments.
Approval Process
The AGCRA NEC will review award recommendations and base its vote on the merits of the achievement(s) or service. A majority of the National Executive Council Awards Committee must approve the recommendation.
Certificates for approved recommendations will be provided to the President of the Association for authenticating signature. The certificate and medal will be mailed to the recommending authority when signed. If mailing has to be expedited, recommending authority will cover the additional costs.
Award recipients will be published in “1775” on the official AGCRA website.
Medals and certificates will be presented with an appropriate air of formality and at fitting ceremonies such as military Balls, anniversary celebrations of the Adjutant General’s Corps, other military branches or services, or Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association Chapter activations, activities, events, or retirement ceremonies.
All AGCRA awards will be recorded by entering the recipient’s rank / title, full name, and approved award in a database maintained by the Association VP, Awards. This database will be reviewed as part of the approval process.
In the unlikely event that information becomes known that a fraudulent award has been made, or dishonorable conduct is substantiated, the National Executive Council can revoke this award, annotate the database, and notify the individual of the action.