The AG Team, The Army's HR Professionals
Army HR Soldiers and Civilians,
The Army’s anticipated theme for 2011 is “Army: Profession of Arms”. In concert with the Army’s anticipated theme, AGCRA will dedicate its next edition of 1775 to “The AG Team, The Army’s HR Professionals”.
We would like to hear from you what it means to be an Army HR Professional. Specifically, we are requesting your feedback (e-mail to or an AG / HR article that covers down on the following topics below. We intend to post your feedback or article in the next edition of 1775:
* Foundations of our AG / HR Profession
* Professional Ethic
* Professional Culture
* Expert Knowledge
* Leader Development Systems
* Or answer the following question(s):
– What does it mean to be an AG / HR Professional?
– What does it mean to be an AG / HR Professional after 9 years of war?
If you write an article, 1775 article specs are provided below.
a. Suspense Date: NLT 10 Jan 2011, NOTE – earlier is better and helps get the magazine shaped, proofed and published sooner.
b. Length: Minimum of 2 pages, no more than five, single spaced.
c. Font: Century Schoolbook, Font Size 12.
d. Writers should reframe from personalizing their respective articles, i.e., “There I was, surrounded by a thousand bad guys…”
e. Photos: If you have any photos for the article, please provide in JPEG format.
f. Slides: If you have any slides for the article, please provide in PowerPoint format.
g. Note – Large picture or slide files may have to be posted to a server (e.g., AKO files) if they’re too big to send through e-mail.
Again, send feedback or articles to
Thanks ahead of time for your support.