Personnel Professionals With Heart
By Sgt. Jason Kemp
1st Inf Div, USD-S PAO
COB BASRA, Iraq – The 1st Infantry Division human resources’ team of personnel administration professionals contribute much to the service members of United States Division-South.

They are responsible for monitoring the personnel strength of the USD-S units, awards and personnel actions, battlefield promotions, casualty operations, environmental morale leave management, and much more.
“In my opinion, my entire section makes it happen. The G1 Section is an all-star team of HR professionals that I would gladly stack up against any G1 section anywhere,” said Sgt. Maj. Teddy Compton, 1st Infantry Division human resources sergeant major and Burlington, N.C., native.
As a team, the 1st Inf. Div. HR section not only works hard to support the USD-S but each other as well.
“I was selected as the Deputy G1 and had to quickly learn a new skill set in support of the G1 and Commanding General,” said Maj. William Bonilla, 1st Inf. Div. human resources deputy and a Lauderhill, Fla., native. “The only way I have been able to survive as the Deputy G1 is through the hard and dedicated work of our Soldiers, NCOs and officers.”
Bonilla said one of his duties sticks out to him as having one the greatest personal meaning.
“Purple Heart actions have the biggest impact on me personally,” Bonilla said. “These wounded warriors are entitled to this award by placing themselves in harm’s way.
It speaks volumes of the character of the American Soldier and how they keep heeding the call to action.”
Staff Sgt. Rosetina Fitts, 1st Inf. Div. human resources noncommissioned officer in charge, said the stories of the Soldiers she works for motivates her to do her job.
“I had an individual’s award that was really late, but this Soldier was way overdue for a Combat Action Badge,” Fitts said. “This Soldier had saved a lot of others’ lives and he really deserved the badge.”
Since 1st Inf. Div. took over from 34th Infantry Division, the personnel actions section has processed almost 2,000 individual awards.
“We ensure that each and every Soldier and civilian receives the appropriate award recognition prior to them redeploying back to the States,” Fitts said.
Bonilla said his section embodies the values of their branch, something he is proud to be affiliated with.
“The Adjutant General Corps’ motto is ‘Defend and Serve,’ and our G1 Soldiers have lived up to the standards established by our great Corps in supporting Soldiers throughout USD-S,” Bonilla said. “I am extremely proud to be a leader in the G1 and serving with these great AG warriors.”