AGCRA Lone Star Chapter and Bison Chapter Personnel Readiness Collaboration

On December 13, 2023, a pivotal event unfolded at the Whitside Warrior Restaurant, Fort Riley, Kansas — an AG breakfast was executed that brought together members from the AGCRA Lone Star Chapter and the Bison Chapter. COL Richard Strong and SGM Daniel Cruz from the III Corps G1, and LTC Jacqueline Ralston and SGM Temika Jenkins from the 1st Infantry Division G1, added weight to the occasion, where they collectively underscored the critical imperative of enhancing personnel readiness in the United States Army to around 100 HR Professionals in attendance.

The breakfast served as a platform for key leaders within the III Armored Corps to address an audience keenly focused on matters of personnel preparedness. COL Strong, the III Corps G1, delivered insights and directives rooted in strategic leadership, providing a broader context for understanding the importance of personnel readiness.
SGM Cruz, III Corps G1 SGM, contributed perspectives from the enlisted ranks. His words resonated with the audience, emphasizing the tangible impact that individual readiness has on the overall effectiveness of the Army.
LTC Ralston, 1st Infantry Division G1, provided insights into the technical aspects of personnel readiness. This could encompass the integration of HR processes and systems, a crucial element in maintaining operational effectiveness.

SGM Jenkins, 1st Infantry Division G1 SGM, offered practical advice and emphasized the role of leadership in fostering a culture of preparedness among personnel.
The overarching theme of the event was the symbiotic relationship between personnel readiness and the Army’s operational capability. The speakers, represented diverse perspectives within the military hierarchy, collectively conveying the message that a highly prepared and adaptable personnel force is paramount for meeting the dynamic challenges faced by the Army.
The message delivered aligned with the broader principles and values associated with military gatherings focused on readiness. These events serve as reminders of the continuous commitment to maintaining a state of preparedness among military personnel — an ever-relevant theme that echoes through the corridors of military leadership.
In conclusion, the AG breakfast at the Fort Riley Whitside DFAC, stands as a testament to the enduring emphasis on personnel readiness within the Army. The insights shared by COL Strong, SGM Cruz, LTC Ralston, and SGM Jenkins serve as beacons guiding the Army’s ongoing efforts to cultivate adaptive, technically proficient, and operationally ready personnel.