Iron Mike Chapter - 2024 Fall Breakfast

On 17 October 2024, over 120 AG Professionals from across Fort Liberty, NC, came together for the AGCRA Iron Mike Chapter 2024 Fall Breakfast at the Devil’s Den Warrior Restaurant (dining facility operated by and servicing 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division). Members of the Adjutant General’s Corps Community (Team AG) on Fort Liberty enjoyed a FREE special meal courtesy of former Chapter Senior Vice President SGM (Ret) Matt Quick.

Honorary AGCRA member CH(CPT)/Rabbi Scott Klein delivered an insightful and hopeful invocation and benediction.

Chapter Deputy Vice President of Membership, CPT Briana Hanks (BN S1 OIC/1-ADA), opened the program with updates and highlights of the ongoing National Membership Drive. She reminded attendees of the importance and benefits of AGCRA membership. In total, 11 new members joined the Chapter by the event’s close!

Special Guest Speaker and Iron Mike Chapter member, COL Tina H. Miller, USARC G1, shared words of wisdom gleaned from her 35 years of service centered on unity of effort in the AG Corps, service-oriented or servant leadership, teambuilding, and the vital role of the AGCRA. She provided another way of viewing the motto “Shields Up!” to sum up her counsel and mantra:
S - SME: Be the Subject Matter Expert in your field
H - Help someone along the way; reach back
I - Inspire junior Soldiers and Civilians
E - Encourage others to join AGCRA
L - Lead from the front and by example
D - Demonstrate your love for the AG Corps; purchase and wear your AGCRA gear
S - Support the Regimental Association by participating in fundraisers and other Chapter events
U - Unite as a profession; it's not a Component thing but an Army thing
P - Participate on committees and all things AG
The message was very timely, relevant, and well-received.
The atmosphere remained celebratory as the Chapter presented awards, including the COL Robert L. Manning Achievement Medal and certificates of appreciation.

COL Robert L. Manning Achievement Medal recipient:
SSG Marina Serghis
Certificates of Appreciation (Sneakers and Stilettos Ball Planning and Execution):
MAJ Ginny Coghlan
CPT Briana Hanks
MSG Cherly Jasmin
SPC Kelly Cruz
Special thanks to the following for making this a successful and worthwhile event:
Setup and Program Execution:
MAJ Tiffany Adams
CPT Briana Hanks
1LT Andrew Caskey
1LT Tariq Jackson
CW3 Mercedes Lynum
SFC Dracilia Smith
SPC Kelly Cruz
Membership and Merchandise Sells:
CPT Roeshea Hagans
Special Guest Speaker:
COL Tina H. Miller
Meal Preparation and Service:
SFC Lormil, Warrior Restaurant Manager, and Staff
Event Sponsor:
SGM (Ret) Matt Quick