III Armored Corps and Fort Cavazos HR Professionals Gear Up for AG Week, Addressing Army Manning Challenges!

By CW4 Alexander (Alex) Pinckney, President, AGCRA Lone Star Chapter
Date: 15-17 November 2023
In a show of unity and expertise, HR Professionals, military guests, and HR Civilians from III Armored Corps and Fort Cavazos participated in Adjutant General (AG) Week 2023, held from 15 to 17 November 2023.

AG Week is a pivotal event, providing a unique opportunity for professionals in the Army Human Resources field to converge, exchange knowledge, and celebrate the commendable contributions of the Adjutant General's Corps. This year’s edition carried even more weight given the prevalent manning shortfalls across the entire Army.

With an acute awareness of the challenges faced by the Army, the call to action resonates - collaboration and innovative thinking. AG Week serves as a forum for collective brainstorming, urging participants to think outside the box to develop mitigation measures for both the present and the foreseeable future.

Leaders from various echelons, including the Department of the Army G-1, Human Resources Command (HRC), and III Armored Corps, shared insights throughout the week. Their perspectives promised firsthand accounts of the current challenges confronting the Army and underscored the importance of a unified approach to overcoming these hurdles.

The organizers expressed a strong desire for maximum participation, recognizing that it is through open dialogue and shared expertise that effective solutions will emerge. As the week unfolded attendees gained a wealth of knowledge, strategic discussions, and a collective commitment to addressing the intricate issues surrounding Army manning.
III Armored Corps and Fort Cavazos AG Week 2023 was a dynamic and impactful event, symbolizing the resilience and adaptability of HR Professionals and military personnel in the face of evolving challenges. Stay tuned for updates and highlights as the community comes together to navigate the intricacies of the contemporary Army landscape in the future!