AG School Commandant Sends - December 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Adjutant General's Corps Soldiers, Civilians and HR Professionals.
Happy Birthday to IPPS-A Release! We can celebrate a full year of having a totally integrated force, using one functional HR system, for the first time ever! IPPS-A continues to deliver new capabilities and continuous improvement since the “go live” point last year during this time. At the AG school, we continue to modify and update lesson plans for agile rollout. Our great developers and instructors have delivered new IPPS-A content and curriculum changes for every class (PME, IMT, AIT, Compo 1, 2 & 3). The work continues to elevate from basic IPPS-A skills and abilities...we need your continued training priority on IPPS-A training in the field. We also have added a new IPPS-A Admin functional course to reinforce skills and enable units to send key HR professionals (MIL/CIV) back to the AG School for two weeks of focused training. Beyond just AG Soldiers, the School, in coordination with DA G1 - FMD, has prepared IPPS-A training content for every Soldier and Leader in the Army. The goal is that this curriculum, developed for “non-42s”, will be integrated across all career management fields by the end of fiscal year 2024.
Just recently the AG School participated in the newly redesignated Soldier Support Institute, Army Sustainment University – Adams Campus ceremony. The SSI Adams Campus was named in honor of LTC Charity Adams, Commander of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion during World War II. This redesignation, honoring the significant achievements and accomplishments of a remarkable Leader, intends to also represent a better integration across the entire sustainment training, education, and development institutions. As we approach the New Year looking ahead, “integration” will be a prevalent theme.
To better align with our new Army Chief of Staff’s priorities for Warfighting, Delivering Ready Combat Formations, Continuous Transformation, and Strengthening the Profession, the Adjutant General School has revised its three lines of effort (LOEs). Transform the Training and Education Experience, Optimize AG Capabilities, and Increase Connectedness/Build Cohesive Teams. In the new year, our team, led by the AG Proponent, will expand on these LOEs with redefined tasks and objectives. Along with this, the Director of Training will soon release the updated Training Strategy for the year that complements our efforts and provides guidance to the field on sustainment training beyond initial military training (IMT) and professional military education (PME). This includes focus areas to prepare us for future conflicts and large-scale combat operations.
As part of our connection and strengthening the profession, a REMINDER... nominations for our AG Corps Hall of Fame and Distinguished Members of the Corps are due by January 8, 2024, just after the holidays. Please take the time to nominate those worthy individuals who embody the principles and ideals of our Corps that have had a lasting impact in the shaping of our future. When people ask us why someone isn’t on our Hall of Honor wall, the reason is often they have yet to be nominated. This year, we have attempted to streamline the nomination process, and we ask you to help us promote our history and recognize our great AG teammates through this important program. And don’t forget to mark your calendars for AG Week 4-7 June 2024 with our National AG Ball on 7 June. For additional information, contact or
Another significant action underway is the recent announcement creating a new 420T and 42T MOS to reshape and transform the Army’s recruiting force. These new MOSs will support the Army’s transformational approach to the realities of meeting our future talent acquisition demands. The AG School is a key stakeholder in the ongoing operational planning and working groups to rapidly execute the Secretary of the Army’s intent to mobilize this new talent workforce. Be alert to future MILPER messages and Army-wide announcements as this plan unfolds. The AG Corps has always been at the center of talent acquisition (accessions), and one of our core competencies is manning the force. Our AG Proponent stands ready to integrate this new MOS and help transform the future Army.
I also want to mention another critical part of the AG team - our Army Bands and Music program. In the coming year, we have made some adjustments to re-integrate our 42C population into our training at Fort Jackson. When training our common core, it makes sense that we train all AG officers together. This collective effort between the AG School and the Army School of Music will continue to build our AG community into one cohesive team. We also continue our focus and assessment of wartime support to the Sustainment Warfighting function for the Bands.
Finally, as we reflect on all that has transpired this year, I want to thank every member of the AG School for everything they have accomplished, the list of which would far exceed this short message. From our instructors, cadre, writers/developers, staff, support teams, and executive leadership, including CSM Tamika Deveaux, CW5 Chad Bowen, and Mr. Ward Ward, success has truly been a team effort. Thank you also to the AG Community and our Senior Leaders for the ongoing feedback and communication to improve the quality of training we deliver on behalf of the Corps. Thanks to the AGCRA for their continued partnership and outstanding support. We are all integrated and connected to our AG Community and the Army... we are better as a Team.
As we approach the new year, we must remember to check in with others who may find this time of year difficult, to offer positive leadership and help where needed. Sometimes, a simple “How are you doing?” and a lean conversation have an impact on others... stay connected. Remember those who are away from home and in harm's way. They are sacrificing for us.
Thank you for all the amazing things you do every day as AG Soldiers, Civilians, and HR professionals. You are making an impact and shaping the Army's future. I am very blessed to be your Commandant and proud to serve with each of you as an AG Corps Soldier.
COL Chesley D. Thigpen