250th Birthday in 2025 – Get Ready to Celebrate the AG Corps and the AGCRA!

By COL (Ret) Rob Manning, AGCRA President
[AGCRA Note - This article is the first in a series of articles we intend to publish between now and the 250th Birthday celebration of the Adjutant General's Corps at the next National AG Ball scheduled for 6 June 2025 in Columbia, SC. Future articles will cover the history, culture, and traditions of our great Corps and the supporting endeavors to the Corps by AGCRA.]
It’s great to be an AG Soldier and Army HR Professional, especially now as we begin to celebrate the AG Corps’ 250th Birthday next year!! Dating back to 1775, the AG Corps is the Army’s second-oldest branch and remains, in my opinion, the best branch in the Army today. The AGCRA is also the very best Professional Association to support it. So, let’s start “Celebrating the AG Corps and the AGCRA!!”
As AGCRA President, I can speak to what the AGCRA does for its members. Probably the most visible thing the AGCRA does is host and sponsor the annual National AG Ball. This Ball is arguably one of the largest and most entertaining Balls throughout the Army. However, the Association does much, much more for our members. Chapters also host Balls, breakfasts, lunches, professional AG Corps panel discussions, lectures, and golf tournaments, offer event discounts, charity events and blood drives, support Wreaths Across America, adopt highways, assist the elderly, provide food and support for the homeless, and many other community service-like events. Additionally, Chapters provide Army HR professional development forums, mentorship opportunities, training, and education to benefit AG Soldiers and Army Civilian HR professionals.

The AGCRA scholarship program is strong thanks to gracious donors and the tireless efforts of Nick and Dianne Monje and Bob and Gayl Murphy. Since its inception in 2011, we have awarded over 70 scholarships totaling over $90,000.

The AGCRA has the most comprehensive regimental awards program, allowing members to earn and receive awards throughout their careers and lifetime. Junior Soldiers and leaders are the lifeblood of our Association, so it is especially rewarding to see them have the opportunity to earn well-deserved recognition early in their careers.

The AGCRA partners with the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) and Webster University, and we continue to work on other partnerships to benefit Association members. An AGCRA membership equates to dual membership with the AUSA, which means members are entitled to AUSA benefits as well. The AUSA Members Benefits Guide explains benefits that may be helpful to our members. As partners with Webster University, members can enjoy free application fees and a 20% discount on tuition fees that isn’t already discounted. Family members and civilians who join AGCRA can also receive this benefit. Like many universities, a full tuition year at Webster is approximately $30,000. A 20% savings is $6,000. This is 100 times the return on investment for a $60 two-year AGCRA membership. This benefit significantly helps parents of college-aged children or other family members, and also applies to part-time tuition. Part-time tuition per credit hour is currently $250. A 20% savings is $50 a credit hour.
Our membership growth continues to strengthen with each passing month. However, we need members to take advantage of AGCRA benefits and explain these benefits to non-members so they, too, can become members and benefit from what AGCRA has to offer.
Our members feel mentorship is important, so we will soon deliver an AGCRA online Mentorship Program. We are in the final stages of developing this program, but it promises to address our members' mentorship needs. We are looking for members to sign up as mentors, mentees, or, in some cases, both.

This year, the AGCRA conducted its first-ever AG Reunion Event, hosted by the Alamo Chapter in San Antonio, Texas. The event was open to all AG and Army Civilian HR professionals, Association members and non-members alike, Retirees, Veterans, currently serving Active, Guard and Reserve Soldiers/Civilians, and Family members. It was hugely successful, and next year’s event (anticipated for October 2025) will be hosted by our Rocket City Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama.
The AGCRA helps to mitigate the loss of AG Corps organizational structure by providing opportunities for AG and Army HR professionals to meet and share information away from the workplace. I am often told the best way to meet fellow AG and Army Civilian HR professionals is through a local AGCRA Chapter meeting. However, we still need senior leaders to be more involved. Senior leaders - I ask you to visit a Chapter meeting, it will be appreciated by Soldiers and Civilians who want to see you and hear your AG story.
An AG story like MAJ Laura Rollins (Chapter President, Carolina Chapter), who became and stayed an AG to serve the Soldiers who serve our country; every day, she is grateful to serve our country and its Soldiers by being an AG Soldier and Leader!
An AG story like CW4 Alexander Pinckney (our new VP, Membership on the National Executive Council (NEC) and Lone Star Chapter President), who was motivated by his recruiter’s belief in his potential to do great things and the appeal of a challenging yet rewarding career. It was about stepping into a role that could shape the future of others. CW4 Pinckney stayed AG because he felt it was more than a job, in fact, he sees it as a calling. The journey that began in his recruiter’s office transformed into a lifelong commitment to service and excellence.
An AG story like SGM DeMickel McGrigg (VP, Reserve Affairs on the NEC), who believes being an AG Soldier is a way of life for him. He loves being an AG Soldier because he believes AG Soldiers are the Alpha and the Omega (beginning and end); you see us as you enter the Army and as you eventually exit. Every day he is thankful for being able to take care of the Army’s most precious commodity, its people.
An AG story like LTC (Ret) J. Galluzzo (VP, Corporate Affairs on the NEC), who, after a very successful career as an AG Officer, committed to a Lifetime AGCRA membership to stay connected to this community of professionals. Long after his retirement, J. continues to contribute greatly to both the AG Corps and the AGCRA.
An HR story like Ms. Anna Doss's, who started as an Air Force HR Civilian, transitioned to the Army, then back to the Air Force, and later as a contractor. She missed working with and helping service members and is now back with the Army. Her knowledge from the Army side of HR helped her become more well-rounded in HR and solidified her decision to stay in this career field.
People and their stories are what make the AG Corps and the AGCRA great! Through the AGCRA, we can stay connected to the people and the community we dedicate our professional lives to. My AGCRA membership helps me stay connected with AG friends and colleagues I have known over the past 40-plus years. I ask you, who will you still be connected to and celebrating your AG Corps service 10, 20, 30, or 40 years from now? Your AGCRA membership will make it easier for you to stay connected.

Be proud to be an AG Soldier, Army Civilian HR Professional, and member of the AGCRA. Stay connected to the AG Corps and the AGCRA for life, a Corps and Professional Army HR Association we all love and revere.