250th AG Corps Anniversary Historical Sketch - Amateur Artists Wanted!

250th AG Corps Anniversary Historical Sketch - Amateur Artists Wanted!

AGCRA is seeking amateur artists to help us create a 250th AG Corps Anniversary historical sketch.

As we look to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the AG Corps (1775 - 2025), and in consultation with the Chief of the Corps, AGCRA is looking to create a 250th historical sketch as a keepsake for AG Corps and Association members.

The 250th AG Corps historical sketch will be slightly larger than a regular sheet of paper, and printed on card stock, suitable for framing.


  • November 1st, 2024 - Artist concept/draft submissions are due to 250th-AG-HS@agcra.com
  • November 8th - A Board of selected senior AG Corps leaders determines three semi-finalists
  • December 6th - The three semi-finalists submit their final 250th AG Corps historical sketch to 250th-AG-HS@agcra.com
  • December 20th - A general vote by AG Corps and AGCRA members determines the historical sketch winner
  • January 6th, 2025 - Negotiation with the winning artist leads to Eagle Creations transitioning the historical sketch to sell it in the AGCRA Sutler Store

AGCRA email POC again is 250th-AG-HS@agcra.com.